Meditation & Healing

About Nathan
I hope that you find what you are looking for? If not then please feel free to drop me an email or call me to see if I can help.
I have been teaching meditation in some form for over a decade now, and healing for longer having learned from my Father Ralph Ticehurst and the National Federation of Spiritual healers. My core ethos is that each individual has Physical health, Mental health and Spiritual health and that all three aspects need to be in balance to be truly well.
I have found that Healing and Meditation combine beautifully and can cross the boundaries between the Mental, Physical and spiritual aspects of our lives. Very often somebody that comes for help physically walks away having had a profound spiritual experience or releases a burden that they had long forgotten about.
You can come to me for Meditation, Healing Anxiety management or a combination that we can tailor to your needs and interests. More information about each process can be found on this site under specific headings.
Meditation Tuition
Available on a one to one or group basis, Meditation is the cornerstone to long term well being. I used it to overcome my own debilitating anxiety over twenty years ago and I have never looked back, In that time I have come to better understand the process of meditation and recognise the methods that best suit different situations and individual needs.
For mental health meditation is invaluable but it is also a wonderful catalyst for spiritual growth! There are so many different avenues to explore and the science that backs up the benefits of meditation is now indisputable! I have taught in Primary and Secondary schools and facilitate corporate and private group sessions as well as one to one guidance.

1-2-1 Healing Sessions
I have been working as a healer for well over a decade, I trained with the national federation of spiritual healers and with my father Ralph Ticehurst.
It is an effective treatment for Physical and mental ailments, it is uninvasive as I do not touch the client but hold my hands 10 - 20 cm from the body.
Each individual reacts differently to healing, I make no promises except that I have had good results and that I will stand beside you as long as you need me there.
Anxiety Management
If you suffer Anxiety, Panic or anything on this spectrum of illness then my heart goes out to you! I have been there and I empathise with you, it was the hardest time of my life! I learned how to overcome it, I understand the condition and I understand how it varies from person to person.
Using a variety of methods I believe that anyone can overcome Anxiety, if you read the testimonials you will see some people getting better very quickly, I cannot guarantee this for everyone but it is possible! Most people feel some improvement quickly, but it takes 4 or 5 sessions to really begin to kick this into touch.
It is a combination of meditation, Healing and perspective! I once hoped to be able to function again, to live alongside anxiety was my greatest hope, I have done that and more! I no longer question my sanity, I can go out to meals, meet new people and haven’t had an unusual level of anxiety in over ten years, I believe anyone can achieve the same.